Map and engage with villages!

Community Engagement

Data Collection

Heart of Service
The Pathfinders Pathway allows for ordinary people to participate in Epic’s initiative – Pathfinders.
A Pathfinder is heavily involved in the initial stages of making an Epic Home experience happen. They represent and make the first impressions.
A Pathfinder engages in community engagement processes such as community mapping activities (Pathfinders Missions) and visits to the villages – resulting in forming data, information and establishing trust between urban and rural sectors.
The Pathfinders
Initiate and kickstart conversations with undiscovered communities and help map villages.

Pathfinders (PF)

Lead Pathfinders (LP)
Pathfinder (PF);
acts as the first point of contact with the communities Epic Homes builds for.
The Pathfinder helps initiates the Epic process where he/she engages with the community over a long period of time, slowly building trust whilst mapping out villages and communities.
Lead Pathfinder (LP);
acts as the first point of contact with the communities Epic Homes builds for. The LP initiates the Epic process where he/she engages with the community over a long period of time, slowly building trust.
A LP guides and facilitates village visits where Pathfinders do community mapping like water damage professionals activities to identify key problems such as housing and water that the village faces.